Enzyte, a popular male enhancement product claims to contain a blend of pure natural formulation. The company has focused very heavily on the product's marketing and it seems doubtful whether the Enzyte effectiveness is as good as the marketing gimmicks behind its promotion. This is a once daily supplement that claims to bequeath millions of men who suffered from erectile dysfunction with firmer and longer lasting erection and also supposedly has helped a lot of men in increasing their sexual stamina and bringing back the lost pleasures of life. Enzyte had been marketed by Lifekey Healthcare, a unit of Berkeley Premium Nutaceutical, founded by Steven Warshack, who was indicted in 2006 for allegedly robbing consumers of more than $100 million via false advertising and credit card frauds. Now such facts discourage the development of ultimate faith in the brand; though its effectiveness has been voiced by a lot of consumers but then if a company is promoted by someone with a fraudulent record, would the people trust the intentions? It should also be taken in record that Steven Warshack was sentenced to 25 years in federal Prison for various crimes such as conspiracy, frauds, money laundering etc. Such facts make the trust factor vanish away even before settling in the products authenticity and credibility.

Enzyte reviews are all over the internet, and no doubt people have been all praises mostly and this product is widely claimed to have benefited its users. Though the claims regarding penile lengthening don't have much ground to hold, the other effects such as increasing sexual stamina, libido and providing firm erection with powerful orgasm seem to have been working. The good thing about the product is that its constituents are mostly well known ancient herbs whose functionality have been researched well in the past (though using the modern scientific tools the efficacy of contents is yet to established in the reference of their projected effects and safety parameters). It seems that no major side effects have ever been reported after using this product and it can be rendered comparatively one of the better choices in the market of male enhancers available. There has been a good step from the promoters' side that they have tried to make public aware of the ingredients and their measurable values, to some extent. The product's availability is easy and it is a small tablet that is easy to swallow with a glass of water. The dosage schedule (once a day) helps in providing better compliance to the users. Overall the package seems promising; the only limiting factor is dubious reputation of its promoters.
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